From Eager Anticipation to Sugary Surprise: A Coffee Conversation Caught in the Act
Einspanner latte and matcha cream latte | Coffee blog by Von Brown
After an hour of exploring the city, my friend and I were eager to try two lattes from a new café. However, our excitement quickly turned to dismay when we found them to be overwhelmingly sweet.
Recently, I received a message from a friend whom I have not had the chance to see in the past three years. After going back and forth to find a suitable date three times, we finally landed on a day that worked for both of us.
While we were Google Mapping around, my friend noticed a new cafe near our old school and thought it'd be fun to check it out. Upon arrival, we found the place packed with people. They had this matcha latte and an Einspanner latte with cream that everyone seemed to love. I gave them a try, and while they were tasty, they were too sweet for me. Personally, I would have preferred a stronger coffee flavor over the sweetness of the cream.
Spring flowers in full bloom | Coffee blog by Von Brown